Summer means longer days, nights off, and time with the grandchildren.  No, we're not out of school yet and there are so many activities that I could spend every night there if I attended them all, but we're close...really close!
They are all growing like weeds.  How cute is the little one, just eight months old and trying to get around the house on her own?  She rocks a little and gradually slides backwards right now.
I've decided that every weekend this year I will have an outdoor project.  Last week I moved a lot of plants to what I hope will be a wall of blooms-I have hosta, daylily, monarda, phlox, and liatris planted (among the grass).  This week I put the steps on one of our silver maples so that Aidan can climb the tree.  All three boys pictured gave me a hand with this project.
I don't go to the parade on Memorial Day that often.  But when I realized that we were just sitting around, I told Aidan to grab his shoes and we'd race two towns over to catch it.  We made it just in time.
Then, because it was a perfect summer day-hot and breezy-I took Aidan and my niece to swim.
Today our fire department and some neighboring departments had a controlled burn, taking down a motel in town that became town property through a tax lien.  Aidan and I went over to watch it.
It has been raining for days, which makes it perfect for this; I just love summer rain showers!
Just in the last two weeks we've gone from this-so warm that the kids were playing with squirt guns even while there was snow on the ground...... this-two inches of snow mixed with sleet and hail that made driving Aidan's birthday guests to and from the party a dangerous proposition..... one day later-Easter egg hunt.... a day of intense heat yesterday (and still 70 degrees at 10 at night)-with enough wind for kites... balmy weather this morning that has now turned to rain.  In New Hampshire we always say, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change :-)